My Top 10 Films of 2017
Here we go, everyone…my favorite films of 2017! I watched 143 movies in total, fewer than in previous years (though not by much…). If there’s anything my picks make clear, it’s that I love films […]
My favorite films and performances by year.
Here we go, everyone…my favorite films of 2017! I watched 143 movies in total, fewer than in previous years (though not by much…). If there’s anything my picks make clear, it’s that I love films […]
Once again, I’m offering my selections for favorite performances, quite a bit later than seems topical. Call it an unfortunate side-effect of a creative person with interests in many arenas…but I will always bring them […]
At long last, here are my favorite films of 2016! In total I watched 151 movies from the year, which I suppose is nothing to sneeze at. I think my picks reflect a broad swath […]
Hi folks! I return to my website with a long delayed tradition. I realize my belated 2016 review may be lacking in the relevancy department, but I felt wrong about not posting it, especially when […]
With the Oscars behind us, it’s time to reveal my favorite films of 2015! All told I watched 152 movies from last year, a new personal high. I saw quite a variety of films: everything […]
It’s time to honor the wonderful performers of last year! I saw a ton of movies in 2015, so there was no shortage of great choices. You’ll notice quite a few deviations from the […]
Howdy, folks! Well, with the Oscars now behind us it’s time I reveal my favorite films of 2014. I saw more films from last year (90 total, thanks to some January/February binge-watching) than any year […]
Having seen as many films as I did in 2014, I had quite an embarrassment of riches to cull through when it came to the acting. What’s surprising is that unlike last year, there was […]
Well folks, we’re well into 2014 at this point, and the offerings look fairly slim as of yet (with the notable exception of The Lego Movie, and I still need to see Wes Anderson’s Grand […]
It’s time to honor the men and women whose performances made great movies greater (and the not-so great movies bearable) with their presences. But before we get to my favorites, I need to gripe. […]